Thursday, 17 September 2009


Since last writing on here I have received the materials for the Open University A215 (Creative Writing) course. That's great, nice and early!

But now I'm fighting for the time to actually do some study. I want to get a bit ahead to allow for times when I might not have the time I need (Colds or flu. Baby colds or flu. Cat colds or flu, or other disasters). But between having to type, stretching across my body with a sleeping baby on my lap, causing pain in my shoulder; A cat, anyone of my three, sitting on the rest of my lap not taken up by the baby, demanding atttention from my spare hand and in the case of Stripey drinking my squash; My husband wanting to bounce ideas for his OU assignments off me, or using me as a handy dictionary and theasaurus and my normal day to day activities it is frustratingly slow and interrupted.

I need to sort something out or I'll end up screaming, or worse, regretting taking the course (gasp).
The large Collins dictionary and theasaurus might end by Hubby. See if he can take a hint.

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