And I begin to wonder how long I could go without having any followers or any comments. Is there a record for this? Could I have a successful, unsuccessful blog? Can someone be successful through failure?
I also wonder just how I'm going to cope with a creative writing course when I type this slowly, stretched badly and one handed over my sleeping daughter (7 months). She has fallen asleep on my lap yet again and in order to have a moment of peace I will leave her there.
But back to failure. Of course sometimes striving but failing can be a good thing, the point was to strive. Eddie the Eagle? Any non medal winning Olympians demonstrate this but Eddie stands out as someone who just wanted to give it a go. But failure for failures sake? Unfortunately it seems that this is becoming popular, even entertaining. Big Brother, celebrity breakdowns and divorces, Eastenders. Even schools and hospitals that have stunning sucesses are only news for 10 minutes, and that's if you can find the story amongst the stories of institutions that have failed. Failure is good, failure is entertaining, failure is newsworthy.
Since I hate all that perhaps I should strive to do better. Stop using the excuse of failing at a DSE assessment and type my stories anyway, and try to get a follower (even if Hubby did decline)
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